宾州州立大学将派四名舞者参加THON 2024,主办送别周

Four female Berks students smile for the camera

Penn State Berks students Sydney Bankert, Manali Desai, Samantha Hagenbush, 和玛丽姆·汉娜将代表伯克慈善马拉松参加马拉松2024周末, Feb. 16 to Feb. 18. 从左到右依次是:玛丽姆·汉娜、马娜丽·德赛、悉尼·班克特和萨曼莎·哈根布什. 

Credit: Mackenzie Cullen

WYOMISSING, Pa. 十大正规赌博平台大全的Berks对代表该校参加THON的四名学生舞者表示支持, 学校的舞蹈马拉松,它将帮助那些与儿科癌症作斗争的家庭. There will be a dancer send-off from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 15, in Multipurpose Room 2, 位于珀金斯学生中心的二楼, where faculty, 教职员工和同学们将聚在一起祝福舞者们. 

From Friday, Feb. 16, to Sunday, Feb. 18, 十大正规赌博平台大全各校区的学生将聚集在十大正规赌博平台大全公园校区的布莱斯乔丹中心参加马拉松, the 46-hour no-sitting, no-sleeping dance marathon to benefit Four Diamonds, which supports families battling pediatric cancer. This year’s theme is “Treasure Every Adventure.” 

今年来自Berks的舞者包括大四学生Sydney Bankert和Samantha Hagenbush, both kinesiology majors, and sophomores Manali Desai, finance major, and Mariem Hanna, civil engineering major.  


Bankert, fundraising executive for Berks Benefitting THON, said, “I THON because my mom is a childhood cancer survivor. 她是我参与THON的首要原因.她补充说,了解该组织的THON家庭增加了她的动力. 

For Hagenbush, 伯克慈善马拉松的捐赠者和校友关系联合执行官, 去年的回顾视频感动并激励她做出影响并加入该组织. 

Desai, marketing executive for Berks Benefitting THON, 她说,听到他们的THON家庭的故事激励她今年在THON跳舞, 她很感激能以舞者的身份代表和支持这些家庭. 

“作为马拉松的一员,我已经在表现同情心和善良方面受到了影响. Not only do I have compassion for people with cancer, but now I can do something about it,” Desai said. 

Hanna, family relations executive for Berks Benefitting THON, 她也表示,今年参加高中迷你马拉松和马拉松家庭的经历也激励了她.  

Throughout the year, Berks benefits举办了各种筹款活动,包括Kids Cuts, Pie in the Face, and the Inspire the Night benefit dinner, which raised $16,922.21 this year. When asked which fundraiser was their favorite, 四位舞者都同意参加《赌博平台大全》,因为它能让校园团结起来. 

“Those little interactions with students, faculty, and staff who may not know what THON is, 和大家分享一下我们的工作和一些THON家庭的故事真的很鼓舞人心,” Hagenbush said. 

As for THON Weekend, 四位舞者还表示,他们期待着与THON的家人交流,期待着看到他们的努力在筹款总额中得到回报.  

汉娜补充说:“我很高兴能看到其他舞者。. “We’re all here for one cause, and it’s for the kids. 我希望能认识更多的人,了解他们,了解他们为什么松."


“It’s a great opportunity to represent Berks. We’re only allowed to send four dancers to THON, so being one of the four is really special,” Bankert said. “I love this campus and this school, 这对我来说意义重大,能够和我非常亲近的人一起为我热爱的事业而战.” 

In 2023, THON raised a record $15,006,132.46. Penn State Berks raised $36,287.98,在英联邦校园中获得了马拉松筹款的第七名. Click here for more information or to donate

About THON 

In 1977, the Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon, known as THON, 与宾州州立好时儿童医院的四钻石公司建立了合作关系. Four Diamonds直接 帮助宾州州立好时儿童医院的家庭, while funding research in pursuit of a cure. To date, THON已经捐赠了超过1.9亿美元来支持儿童及其家人与儿童癌症作斗争. Every year, more than 16,000名学生志愿者奉献了他们的时间和精力,通过筹款活动筹集资金. 每位志愿者的辛勤工作在每年2月的马拉松周末达到高潮,在大学公园的布莱斯乔丹中心举行了46小时的舞蹈马拉松庆祝活动. Berks Benefiting THON, a Penn State Berks student organization, 与十大正规赌博平台大全公园的THON合作筹集资金并传播儿童癌症的意识.  
