Mahsa Kazempour

Mahsa Kazempour headshot
Associate Professor, Science Education
Beaver Athletics and Wellness Center, 201D

Dr. Mahsa Kazempour是十大正规赌博平台大全博克分校的科学教育副教授,也是可持续发展委员会主席. 她负责科学和科学教育课程的教学,包括基础教育专业的科学方法和环境科学. 

In her role as Sustainability Council Chair, Dr. Kazempour leads sustainability efforts on campus, 指导校园范围内的活动,如校园花园项目和堆肥,规划包括电影放映在内的教育活动, speakers and panel discussions, and sustainable self-care and Earth Day festivals. Her passion is leading change, locally and globally, 其目标是通过教育实现可持续性和社会/环境/经济正义与公平, awareness, active engagement, service, and collaboration. Learn more about sustainability at Penn State Berks >

Dr. Kazempour的研究重点是未来和在职教师的专业发展以及改善K-16科学教学的方法. Her research aims to explore prospective elementary teachers' beliefs, attitudes, and self-efficacy with regard to science and science teaching, 这些结构和参与者的教学实践的变化是报名参加科学方法课程或参加专业发展会议的结果. 她的另一项研究重点是本科生的环境素养水平和对环境的社会责任感,以及由于参加了以服务学习为重点的环境科学课程而导致的这些结构的变化. Her environmental science students engage in the Environmental Awareness & Community Action Project (EACAP), 这使他们能够与当地组织合作,采取行动保护环境. Learn more about the project and see samples of students' projects online >

Dr. Kazempour被选为2022-24年十大正规赌博平台大全参与学院学者,并获得82美元的奖金,000 for her EACAP: Partnership for Student & Community Engagement scholarly project. 她还被选为2023年宾夕法尼亚州环境资源联盟(PERC)校园可持续发展冠军,因为她致力于可持续发展素养, community outreach and engagement, and the way she brings a deep love of learning to everything she engages in. 她还获得了2022-2023年十大正规赌博平台大全Berks“杰出社区参与”奖, 2017 ‘Outstanding Service’ award, and 2017 ‘MLK Jr.’ award.

Dr. Kazempour's research interests include:

  • Science education
  • STEM education
  • Inquiry-based instruction
  • Teacher development (in-service & pre-service teachers)
  • Science, Technology, Society (STS) education
  • Sustainability/environmental education
  • Community engagement
  • Service-learning

Sample Publications

Kazempour, M., Amirshokoohi, A., & Soyer, M. (2022). 小学职前教师体验sts科学方法课程之个案研究. 环境科学与教育,18 (4),e2299.

Amirshokoohi, A., & Kazempour, M. (Co-Author) (2022). 以科学素养的变革和解放的眼光面对全球挑战. In Purcell, B. (Ed), Yes, Francis! Ways to Help the Post-Pandemic World.

Kazempour, M., & Amirshokoohi, A. (2020). 职前教师在科学内容课程中的合作学习体验. Science Education International. 379-385

Kazempour, M., Amirshokoohi, A., & Blamey, K. (2020). 将理论付诸实践:职前教师通过沉浸式体验教授5E学习周期. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 8(1), 67-75.

Kazempour, M. (2018). 小学职前教师的真实探究经验与反思:多个案研究. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 29(7), 644-663. ISBN/ISSN: 10.1080/1046560X.2018.1487201.

Kazempour, M. & Amirshokoohi, A. (2018). 伊朗的进化论教育:在伊斯兰国家教进化论粉碎神话. In H. Deniz & L. Borgerding (Eds.), Evolution Education around the World New York: Springer. Peer-reviewed/refereed.

Kazempour, M. (2017). 家庭探究项目:小学职前教师的科学探究之旅. Innovations in Science Teacher Education, 2(4), 1-8.

Kazempour, M. & Sadler, T. D. (2015). Supporting changes in pre-service elementary teachers' beliefs, attitudes, 科学自我效能感与科学教学:多个案研究. Teaching Education, 26(13), 247-271.

Kazempour, M., & Amirshokoohi, A. (2014). 真实的科学探究经验:检视专业发展参与者的经验与反思. Professional Development in Education, 40(5), 855-878.

Kazempour, M., Croft, S., & Folk, C. (2014). 小学教师候选人的家庭探究经历及其对科学知识和态度的影响:一项自我研究. 数学学报,2009 (2),39 - 41.

Kazempour, M. (2014). I can’t teach science! 小学职前教师科学经验交集个案研究, beliefs, attitude, and self-efficacy. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 9, 77-96.

Kazempour, M., & Amirshokoohi, A. (2014). 向探究式教学过渡:教师克服学习瓶颈的经验探索. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 9, 285-309.

Kazempour, M., & Amirshokoohi, A. (2013). 小学职前教师在修订的探究性科学课中的经验与学习成果:一项行动研究. Journal of Education and Learning, 2(2), 144-154.

Kazempour, M., & Amirshokoohi, A. (2013). 非理工科本科环境科学课程改革. Journal of College Science Teaching, 43(2), 54-59.

Kazempour, M. (2013). The Interrelationship of Science Experiences, Beliefs, Attitudes, 科学态度积极、科学教学自我效能感高的职前教师的个案研究. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 1(3), 106-124.

Donnelly, L. A., Kazempour, M., & Amirshokoohi, A. (2009). 高中生对进化教学的认知:接受度与进化学习体验. 39(5), 643-660.

Kazempour, M. (2009). 探究性专业发展对核心理念和教学实践的影响:个案研究. 18(2), 56-68.

Ph.D., Curriculum & Instruction (Major: Science Education, Areas of Emphasis: Biology & Environmental Science), Indiana University Bloomington

M.S., Science & Environmental Education, Indiana University Bloomington

B.S., Biology, Santa Clara University

Recent Presentations

Kazempour, M. & Amirshokoohi, A. (2023). 以合作行动研究改革本科生物学导论课程. Annual Conference of the Association for Science Teacher Education, Salt Lake City, Utah, peer-reviewed/refereed. International.

Kazempour, M. (January 2022). “透过环境科学入门课程,提高大学生的环境素养。," Annual Conference of the Association for Science Teacher Education, Greenville, South Carolina, peer-reviewed/refereed. International.

Kazempour, M. (2020). 《赌博平台大全》," Annual Conference of the Association for Science Teacher Education, San Antonio, TX, peer-reviewed/refereed. International.

Kazempour, M. (April 3, 2019). 《赌博平台大全》," HASS Division Colloquium, Penn State Berks HASS Division. Local.

Kazempour, M. (2018). 职前教师的真实探究体验与反思:多案例研究," Annual Conference of the Association for Science Teacher Education, Baltimore, MD, peer-reviewed/refereed. International.

Kazempour, M. (October 2018). "Authentic Inquiry Experiences of Elementary Pre-service Teachers.," Annual Convention of School Science and Mathematics Association, Little Rock, AK, peer-reviewed/refereed. National.

Kazempour, M. (January 2017). "Exploring Interrelationships Among Pre-service Teachers’ Beliefs, Attitude, and Self-efficacy: a pre-post study," Annual Conference of Association of Science Teacher Education, Des Moines, IA, peer-reviewed/refereed. International.